Medication Administration Guidelines and Forms
Whenever possible, medications should be given at home, before or after the school day. However, if your child has a medication that is needed during the school day, a signed medication administration form is required. IT IS AGAINST SCHOOL POLICY FOR STUDENTS TO CARRY ANY MEDICATION WHILE AT SCHOOL. This includes over the counter and prescription medications. The exception is if your child needs an inhaler or epi-pen for emergency access or after school activities. Inhalers and/or epi-pens may be carried by the student with an additional signed permission to carry/administer form. The forms are included below.
All medications must be in an original, labeled container.
Medications will not be accepted or administered without a proper label and documentation.
A supply of medication may be kept in the school clinic, but it is recommended that no more than 30 days worth be stored at school.
ALL prescription medicines must be brought to and from school by a parent or adult. Any remaining or out of date medications must be picked up by a parent or adult or they will be disposed of at the end of the school year.
It is your child's responsibility to remember to take the medication. Every effort will be made to help your child with this responsibility.